Welcome to the
Vaad HaRabbonim
The American Board of Rabbis
Under the direction of:
Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Friedman, M.S. Ed.
President/Rosh Bais
Din/Rosh Yeshiva/Rav Hamachshir

The American Board Of Rabbis is an Orthodox Rabbinical organization dedicated to the dissemination of Authentic Judaism. It presents its point of view without shame or compromise.
Sometimes controversial, the American Board Of Rabbis takes on issues on behalf of Jews, Judaism, and Israel that no other rabbinical organization in America has the zealous fortitude to tackle!
The American Board Of Rabbis offers external, distance rabbinical courses leading to Semicha/Certificate Of Ordination
and Yadin Yadin, Advanced Ordination.
We are also called upon to provide vital rabbinical services for the Jewish community:
= Bais Din - Rabbinical Court Services =
= Serve at Jewish life cycle events
= Issuance of Kashrus Certification - Kosher Supervision =
= International lecture bureau/scholars in residence
= Provide pulpit and Yeshiva principal placement =
= Seasoned, caring, and expert Pastoral counseling =
Opportunities for membership in
The American Board of Rabbis are available.
When writing to our mailing address, please include your name, address, phone, fax, and email address. Applications will be mailed, faxed, or emailed and will be strictly reviewed for